Civil War Springfield M1816 Conversion to Percussion
Civil War used Springfield 3 band musket in .69 cal. Standard full length converted to percussion musket with a Mass. Inspectors initials behind the trigger guard. Looks to have been a HP conversion. Metal has dark patina. Lockplate is marked with Springfield 1838. Eagle has just traces. Barrel has fixed rear sight & standard front sight on barrel band. Butt plate has US. Wood stock in used condition two sets of soldiers initials on the backstock & side stock on left side. Traces of three inspectors cartouches intact on side of stock. Two inspectors initials behind the trigger guard & one set of initials on front of trigger guard. Action is good. Barrel bands & swivels are intact. Original ramrod intact. A nice battle used Springfield .69 cal. Percussion 3 band musket not doubt saw service in the CW.