Civil War US Navy Officer John A. Floyd's M1852 Sword/Scabbard. Recognized for Bravery at Mobile, Alabama. Harpers Weekly Article
An historic Identified M1852 US Navy Officer's Sword & Scabbard with A.W. Pollard & Co. Boston on ricasso of blade belonging to Act. Boatswain Officer John A. Floyd during the Civil War. Standard regulation Navy Officer's sword with 28" nearly straight single edged blade. The blade still nice with most of finish intact along with acid etchings & matting still intact. One side has floral, stars in oval, large USN , more floral & has American flag on pole with streamers. The other side of blade has American Eagle on cannon, fouled anchor and a stand of flags & pikes. The brass guard & pommel in great condition with a lot of the original gilding intact with detailed dragon head & floral cut outs on counterguard also with a lot of gilding intact. Pommel with leaves & American eagle on pommel cap.The bottom of guard has a lot of original gilding with USN on floral cutout. Counterguard has nice John A. Floyd. All of the officer style wood grip cover intact as well the twisted brass wire wrap. Standard leather scabbard in good used condition with brass hangers with rope designs & brass drag with detailed dolphin or dragon. Top brass hanger has clear John A. Floyd. Floyd was in the US Navy many times throughout his life. He enlisted in 1838 & served on USS Columbus & on the USS Cyane 1838-42 until discharged. He reenlisted as Charles Smith in 1843 & assigned to USS Pennsylvania & on USS Macedonia 1843-45 discharged. He reenlisted as Charles Smith in 1846 & served on USS Vincennes & in 1847 discharged. He enlisted again under John Floyd in 1862 for the civil war & served on USS Carolina then on USS Adirondack until it sank. Then on USS Conemaugh as Chief Boatswain Mate 1862-64. Dec. 64 promoted to an Officer Acting Boatswain & assigned to the USS Richmond & was with Farragut's fleet at Mobile, Al. Recognized for bravery as leader of rescue party to save crew of the Brig Enterprise that was stranded & sinking on sand bar in Mobile bay. Floyd got a bad injury trying to help sailors into the rescue boat & had this throughout the rest of his life. His efforts to rescue the men off of the Enterprise was written up with great drawing of him standing on rescue boat with the other sailors. They article called him a very brave man to go many times during a storm to rescue the crew of the Enterprise. An original, out of the Harpers Weekly mag, drawing of the rescue with caption at bottom will go with the sword along with a booklet made up with history of Floyd's naval career, & way over a 100 pages of copies of his records, applications for pension when he tells about getting the injury helping the men get on his boat. This is there many times as he had to put it down on the records many times along with other sailors reports of the the incident. Surgeons records & finally his death notice. A really historic & excellent condition, Identified Sword from a very brave Civil War Union Naval Officer.