Geo.H.Maintiern GAR Post 133 Roster Table SOLD!!!!
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Really unique & scarce, original Grand Army of the Republic Roster table for the roster book for their lodge. This table was made for the George H. Maintien Post No. 133 G.A.R. in Plainville, Mass. This lodge was attended for over 40 years & had over seventy members during their time. The table is dark & stands 28 1/2" tall with large turned wood in middle & flat wood for the top of table & base.The table's top is 10" wide & the flat base is 11 1/2" wide. The top & bottom pieces of wood could have been made from CW Ammo boxes. The table is covered with civil war relics & have been on the table since it was made. The only piece that is not original is the barrel band which holds the sword. It was originally held by a leather strap which just fell apart & the owner put an original musket barrel band to replace. There are over 50 Union & Confederate bullet attached to the table top, bottom & on the turned middle post. There are 5 union buttons, breastplate, 3 cannon ball fragments, enfield bayonet, musket tirggeruard & musket tang attached to middle post. their is a brass union shield which reads "Presented to Post 133 G.A.R. by George H. Maintien W.R.C. No. 74, 1889" also attached to the turned middle post. The bottom base has 2 US Buckles, Musket, M1861 lockplate & hammer, bullets & interwinded USA Saddle shield. The table top for their roster book has CW bullets all around the sides. Their is an original M1850 Foot officer's sword which goes down the back of the table & blade rests on the opening of the Saddle shield. This is a regulation M1850 , foreign made, which were sent by the thousands over here for the war, foot officer's sword with inspectors mks & back when the table was new they plated the blade which is now wearing off. All of the items attached to the table have the original attachments except the barrel band for holding the sword which I talked about earlier. Their is a paper talking about this G.A.R. post which has the names of some of the members which I got their soldier report off the internet. These vets were in the infantry, artillery & cavalry units during the CW & were all Mass. Soldiers. The paper tells about & has a pic of the last 3 veterans that were member of this G.A.R. post. The paper gives a good history of this G.A.R. post. A really nice, unique & scarce piece of Civil War history.
Really unique & scarce, original Grand Army of the Republic Roster table for the roster book for their lodge. This table was made for the George H. Maintien Post No. 133 G.A.R. in Plainville, Mass. This lodge was attended for over 40 years & had over seventy members during their time. The table is dark & stands 28 1/2" tall with large turned wood in middle & flat wood for the top of table & base.The table's top is 10" wide & the flat base is 11 1/2" wide. The top & bottom pieces of wood could have been made from CW Ammo boxes. The table is covered with civil war relics & have been on the table since it was made. The only piece that is not original is the barrel band which holds the sword. It was originally held by a leather strap which just fell apart & the owner put an original musket barrel band to replace. There are over 50 Union & Confederate bullet attached to the table top, bottom & on the turned middle post. There are 5 union buttons, breastplate, 3 cannon ball fragments, enfield bayonet, musket tirggeruard & musket tang attached to middle post. their is a brass union shield which reads "Presented to Post 133 G.A.R. by George H. Maintien W.R.C. No. 74, 1889" also attached to the turned middle post. The bottom base has 2 US Buckles, Musket, M1861 lockplate & hammer, bullets & interwinded USA Saddle shield. The table top for their roster book has CW bullets all around the sides. Their is an original M1850 Foot officer's sword which goes down the back of the table & blade rests on the opening of the Saddle shield. This is a regulation M1850 , foreign made, which were sent by the thousands over here for the war, foot officer's sword with inspectors mks & back when the table was new they plated the blade which is now wearing off. All of the items attached to the table have the original attachments except the barrel band for holding the sword which I talked about earlier. Their is a paper talking about this G.A.R. post which has the names of some of the members which I got their soldier report off the internet. These vets were in the infantry, artillery & cavalry units during the CW & were all Mass. Soldiers. The paper tells about & has a pic of the last 3 veterans that were member of this G.A.R. post. The paper gives a good history of this G.A.R. post. A really nice, unique & scarce piece of Civil War history.