Original Ambrotype of a Young Jesse Woodson James in Case
Clear Ambrotype of a young Jesse Woodson James in the original case. Super rare image of Jesse James made probably just before the Civil War. The owner was given this image in 1977 by his great aunt. Owners grandfather had always told him that he had been told by his father & grandfather about Jesses & Frank James coming to their family's house after the Civil War. He told him that the James boys came to their family house because they had race horses & that he was told that Jesse had given a picture to Sarah Mariah Martin Meguiar then to her son Charlie & then to Charlie's daughter Pattie Wilson Meguair Simmons to the now owner her great nephew. When she gave him the image she said it was a picture of his cousin & that is all you need to know. Owner's family was also with Jesse & Frank's father Robert Sallee james & were related to him. The house in Simpson Co. Ky. is still there & has the 3 layer limestone steps for mounting horses still intact. Will Martin who lived there was the horse man & was in business with Jesse on the horses which is proven by article in the Tennessean Newspaper in 1897 while Frank James was still alive, in which we have a copy. Article states that Jesse was a great race horse man. states that by means of his racing stable some of his most daring deeds were effected & that his robbery of bank in Russellville, Ky was effected while he had his racing Headquarters at Franklin, Ky. This is the family home & race horse farm I've been talking about also Will Martin who was raising the horses in Franklin, Simpson Co. Ky. was a Confederate soldier in the 6th Ky & was a POW. This I'm sure helped him with Jesse & Frank with the horse business. Owner has shown this image to a lot of people & some notable people have said this is definitely Jesse. If you compare the only Civil War picture of Jesse with this image it is extremely the same. Put a composite picture of the two in this ad. The picture also has a lot of characteristic of Jesse's post mortem image. We have a lot more info on this image, the family & other info from some notable people stating they think the image is definitely him. Have images added of the house where the image came from, composite image, image of Jesse Civil War & the original ambrotype of Jesse Woodson James & Robert Salle James. New identification research has been received which shows this image is for real you have questions or want to talk on this image give me a call.