51 Colt Navy Id'ed Soldier, 3rd Ky. Forrest's Army
Original 4th Model Colt Navy revolver with all matching serial nos. 134532 with period carving in grips. Left side has T.J. Barrett & right side has 3rd Ky. Barrett was a Lt. & later Capt. in the 3rd Ky Mounted Infantry. He was captured at Shioh & soon after exchanged & was back in the 3rd Ky. Barrett went into the 3rd Ky in 1861 & was discharged late 64 as to wound in the wrist at battle of brices Crossroads with Gen. N.B. Forrest. Have copies of his day by day reports & copy of letter of discharge as to his wound. lots of paper with this one. Also with this revolver is a cased 9th plate ambro of Barrett which was sent to his mother during the war with bars on his uniform. Good clear image with writing in back of case. The Colt Navy revolver is in good used condition with good action. Smooth metal with nice mellow patina. Good amount of cylinder scene intact & with partial engaged line. Colts patent no. 4532 intact on cylinder.Traces of original silver on backstrap & trigger guard. Good colt address on barrel & colt patent on frame. 51 Navy Colt, Id'ed Soldier, 3rd Ky. Forrest's Army