Nice example of the M1836 single shot Flintlock pistol converted to percussion. Conversion has the classic traits of M.A. Baker of Fayetteville, N.C. who converted & made weapons for the Confederate Gov't in the Civil War. standard M1836 single shot pistol in .54 cal. with 8 1/2" rd barrel, brass front sight & oval shaped rear sight. Swivel type steel ramrod & all mounting are of iron. Standard flat & rd lockplate with all the markings removed. Converted to percussion with possible Baker style bolster. Hammer is a classic trait of M.A. Baker which is of the fowling rifle type which baker used in many of his conversions. Barrel has no US Markings but what's left of the JB inspectors iniitals on top & bottom & VII. The wood stock is in good used shape with a small portion under the lockplate was broke off & has two inspectors cartouches on left side. The barrel channel inside wood stock has VII. There is also & T & V on various parts on this M1836. Action is good. This type weapon was commonly used by Confederate troops at the beginning of the war as many were in Southern arsenals at that time. Gunsmiths as M.A. Baker converted & repaired weapons for the southern arsenals all during the war. This pistol came out of an estate near Fayetteville, N.C. & I have a letter from known dealer Larry Hicklan on this pistol also with info on the pistol having the traits of M.A. Baker & an attached picture from a page in the book Confederate Longarms and Pistols. A nice early war Southern used single shot conversion pistol probably used by a Southern Cavalryman.